Connections – Friday, December 1, 2017

Check out what’s going on this week at the United Methodist Church of Red Bank!
E-blast for the UMC of Red Bank
Friday, December 1, 2017
The Sunday worship schedule is as follows:
* 8:15 AM Traditional Worship in Chapel
* Communion served weekly
* 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
* Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month
* 11:00 AM The Village Worship in Fellowship Hall
* Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month
“Awaken Community” March & Rally
This Evening
Friday, Dec 1st @ 6:30 PM
Red Bank Train Station
Join in the march and rally this evening to ask for dignity and respect for the
11 million undocumented people in the country. Even if you cannot attend, please
invite others who are like-minded. If you can be there, bring signs and friends.
Christmas Decorating Days
– Dec. 2nd at 9:00 AM
– Dec. 9th at 10:00 AM
Whether you’ve helped for more years than you can count or this would be your first,
all are invited to share in the fun and fellowship as we prepare our worship spaces
for Christmas! The more the merrier, as many hands make light work!
Celebrate the Christmas Advent season with our church family
You and your family are invited to a Christmas Party on Dec. 16
th at 6 pm. Enjoy desserts and punch while kids are invited to make
Christmas crafts. Dance and listen to some of the most merry
Christmas music around. Show off your best holiday attire. Freewill
offerings are most welcome! Please sign-up in Fellowship Hall or
follow this link to register online 
We are so excited to be hosting this and we hope to see everyone here!
UMW General Year End Meeting
Join us on December 9th at 10 am as we celebrate the year together. We will name
Women of the Year and package Christmas cookies for our shut-ins. All women are
welcome, no matter your age. Please plan to attend – we would love to share the
time with you.
Supporting the church through our commitments
Last week in worship, we presented our commitments for how we will support God’s
work through our church in 2018. If you have not turned in your commitment card,
it’s not too late. please mail your commitment card to the attention of Sheila Leavitt
in the main office, or email it directly to her at 
If you need one, you can pick one up in the main office, or you can download and
print one here
Worship Sneak Peek
Join us this Sunday (12/3) as we enter our Advent season of anticipating Christmas.
Through our Advent series, The Redemption of Scrooge, we will ring out the truth
of God’s economy – where “making change” has nothing to do with monetary success,
and everything to do with transformation. Could you use a transformation for your
This week’s theme, Bah Humbug! Making Change, juxtaposes the world’s “economy” and
God’s desire for peace and justice for all people – especially those on the margins.
What is the price for looking out for “our own” and what is the benefit to “making
change” in the ways God invites us?
Click here for a preview of Sunday’s bulletin and announcements
Upcoming Sundays:
The Season of Advent
12/3 – The Redemption of Scrooge: Bah Humbug! Making Change
12/10 – The Remembrance of Christmas Past
12/10 – Lessons and Carols – 7:00 PM
12/17 – The Life of Christmas Present
12/24 – The Hope of Christmas Future- Single 9:30 AM Worship in Sanctuary
12/24 – Christmas Eve Worship
5:00 PM Family Service and 9:00 PM Traditional Candlelight Service
12/31 – New Year’s Eve – Single 9:30 AM Worship with Potluck Breakfast in FH
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit
please contact the church office at
732-747-0446 or email
If you have a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at
908-400-2343 or
United Methodist Church of Red Bank | 247 Broad Street | Red Bank | NJ | 07701

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