The United Methodist Church of Red Bank welcomes everyone, regardless of race, economic status, political inclination, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We strive to create a community where everyone feels safe and accepted.


We are profoundly inspired by Christ’s teaching. We also understand the doubts and questions are a part of the faith journey, and we encourage people to explore them openly and honestly.

We believe that we are called to love our neighbor and our planet, and we answer that call in many ways.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5

Our model is Jesus Christ.

Jesus cared, Jesus shared, Jesus forgave, Jesus healed. And most of all, Jesus died in preservation of these sacred principles. Some of us feel and worship His divine nature. Some struggle with specific words and specific ideas. However, we all look to Jesus and the Bible for inspiration and truth. We look to tradition, we look to experience, and we look to reason. We pray to God as well as seek a sacred Spirit in our lives.
steeple-icon  Here is the church, and here is the steeple…
You may indeed have to open a door “to see all the people.” Our outside door might be closed today just to keep out the heat or snow, but if you dare open it, we intend that you will find all of our other doors wide open. We commit to welcoming you. We commit to welcoming all. So please open our door and you will see all our people-perfect and yet still striving for perfection. Come in and experience the compassion and joy. Be moved by the music, by the witness, and also by the prayer. Feel the love of God.