
Your wedding is one of the most significant occasions in your life. A time when you gather with your family and friends to publicly celebrate the love you share. The United Methodist Church of Red Bank provides a beautiful setting and environment for weddings. The beauty of this sanctuary, with its pipe organ and long center aisle, makes it the perfect venue for many couples.
You are welcome to contact our pastor to arrange a visit to see if our church would be right for your wedding.
What happens at a wedding?
  • The Minister welcomes everyone present.
  • There are readings from the Bible and possibly other poems to hear what the wisdom of the Scriptures and other sources have to say about marriage. The pastor shares a short homily – a message of encouragement and blessing for the couple.
  • The bride and the groom promise to give themselves to one another “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live.” You are welcome to choose reworded vows, or to write your own.
  • Wedding rings are blessed and exchanged as a sign of the vows that have been taken, and that the commitment is unending.
  • The Minister blesses the married couple.

Investing in your relationship

Your relationship is special. At UMCRB, we encourage couples to undertake a marriage preparation course. In the months prior to your wedding, you will enter into pre-marriage counseling with our pastor, which is based on a resource entitled, “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” by Les and Leslie Parrot. Through this time, we will identify the strengths in your relationships and equip you with tools for the areas which you will need to work on.
In the course of your time of preparation, our Minister will also guide you through the wedding ceremony and help you with choices of readings and music.

Organist and music

The parish has a pipe organ and we would be very pleased to talk about music with you. We welcome soloists and other musical requests. Please reach out to our Director of Music Ministries for further information.
Please use this form to contact the Church Office or the pastor who will be delighted to talk with you.