Connections – Friday, November 3, 2017

Check out what’s going on this week at the United Methodist Church of Red Bank!
E-blast for the UMC of Red Bank
Friday, November 3, 2017
The Sunday worship schedule is as follows:
8:15 AM Traditional Worship in Chapel
* Communion served weekly
9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
* Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month
11:00 AM The Village Worship in Fellowship Hall
* Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month
All Saints Sunday November 5
All Saints is a day of celebration and remembrance for the saints in our lives.
On Nov. 5th, we will observe All Saints Day in worship by reading the names of
the newly baptized as well as the names of those in our church family who have died
during the past year. Please join us as remember and celebrate the saints.
Supporting the church through our commitments
Last week in worship, we presented our commitments for how we will support God’s
work through our church in 2018. If you have not turned in your commitment card,
it’s not too late. please mail your commitment card to the attention of Sheila Leavitt
in the main office, or email it directly to her at
If you need one, you can pick one up in the main office, or you can download and print one here.
Christmas Bazaar – Come One, Come All
November 11th (FH) – 10 am-3 pm November 12th (Rm 114) After all three services until 1pm
Homemade crafts, fine jewelry, homemade goodies, decorations galore, and silent
auction for gift baskets!! Come see all the baskets on display each Sunday in the
Library area. Winners will be announced at the end of the Bazaar.
The Annual Luncheon at the Bazaar on Saturday between 11:30 am and 2 pm in room
114. Adults $10 and Children $3.
November 19th – 4 PM
Join us in the Sanctuary for an evening of prayer, readings and song.
Worship Sneak Peek
Join us this Sunday (11/5) for the kickoff of our November worship series called
“Imperfect Community”
Throughout the gospel accounts, Jesus repeatedly gives advice for how to live in
healthy community. He sees the tensions and struggles that build up when even the
most well intentioned people come together in a community and he responds with recommendations
for how to transform imperfect community into manifestations of the Kingdom of God.
Together, we will explore Jesus’ lessons on resolving conflict in healthy, relational
ways – ways that have lasting impacts in our lives, and the lives of others.
Click here for a preview of Sunday’s bulletin and announcements. 
Upcoming Sundays:
11/5 – Working Out Conflict – All Saints Sunday
11/12 – Unconditional Forgiveness – Rev. Christina Zito preaching
11/19 – Unfair Generosity
11/26 – Give Thanks – Thanksgiving Weekend
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit
please contact the church office at
732-747-0446 or email
If you have a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at
908-400-2343 or 
United Methodist Church of Red Bank | 247 Broad Street | Red Bank | NJ | 07701

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