Jun 18, 2017
Dads ‘n Grads
"Dads 'n Grads" from 9:30am Sunday Service Sermons by Rev. David Henritzy. Released: 2017.
  • Jun 18, 2017Dads ‘n Grads
    Jun 18, 2017
    Dads ‘n Grads
    "Dads 'n Grads" from 9:30am Sunday Service Sermons by Rev. David Henritzy. Released: 2017.
  • Jun 11, 2017Catch the Excitement!
    Jun 11, 2017
    Catch the Excitement!
    "Catch the Excitement!" from 10:30am Sunday Service Sermons by Rev. Jessica B. Naulty. Released: 2017. Track 1.
  • Jun 4, 2017Emerge: Fly – Daring New Heights
    Jun 4, 2017
    Emerge: Fly – Daring New Heights
    Series: Emerge
    "Emerge: Fly - Daring New Heights" from 10:30am Sunday Service Sermons by Rev. Jessica B. Naulty. Released: 2017. Our scripture today tells the story of Pentecost, the birthday of the church, when we celebrate the Holy Spirit being poured out among the people, starting with the disciples, and extending out to the those gathered in Jerusalem. On this day, we remember the power of God’s Spirit and how it inspires us as a community of faith to move beyond ourselves, to share the good news of God’s love revealed through Jesus.
  • May 21, 2017Testimonies of UMW Women
    May 21, 2017
    Testimonies of UMW Women
    Series: Emerge
    "Testimonies of UMW Women" from 10:30am Sunday Service Sermons by Linda Babler, Robin Foster, Gerri Poranski, Carol Rigler. Released: 2017.
  • May 14, 2017Emerge: Let Go – Leaving Behind What We Don’t Need
    May 14, 2017
    Emerge: Let Go – Leaving Behind What We Don’t Need
    Series: Emerge
    "Emerge: Let Go - Leaving Behind What We Don't Need" from 10:30am Sunday Service Sermons by Rev. Jessica B. Naulty. Released: 2017. Last Sunday, we took a week off our worship series to celebrate with our youth groups the amazing community they have developed and to hear from our high school seniors – but this week we return to the metaphor of the butterfly and its emergence from the cocoon and transition into flight. Since Easter Sunday, we’ve looked at how a butterfly, which started out as a creepy, crawly caterpillar, transforms in the dark enclosure of the cocoon, to emerge as a beautiful winged creature. We learned about the strength and persistence it takes to break out of the cocoon and the patience needed to rest during the in-between stages of life, those liminal spaces where, like the butterfly, our wings need to dry and become flight ready.
  • Apr 30, 2017Unfold: Claiming New Possibilities
    Apr 30, 2017
    Unfold: Claiming New Possibilities
    Series: Emerge
    "Unfold: Claiming New Possibilities" from 10:30am Sunday Service Sermons by Rev. Jessica B. Naulty. Released: 2017. This morning we pick up in our worship series utilizing the metaphor of the butterfly emerging from a cocoon, looking for connections with our own life journeys and faith development. Last week, we focused on the moment when the butterfly breaks out of the chrysalis and comes into the light. We talked about those things that hold us captive, bound within a cocoon of our own, afraid to break out and live freely into the people God made us to be...